Friday, November 17, 2006

The truth about non-x86 computers

Quote: "Macs have virtually unlimited life spans, as reflected in their resale value. Macs are fast, their chassis are indestructible, and OS X is solid as a rock."

What a load of garbage. I purchased a 2nd hand 233Mhz 64Mb RAM PPC (made in 1997) in 2001 to learn more about the Mac. The machine was barely usable running OS 8.6. The machine was chocked full of dust and the metal bits were rusted. Fans and optical drive suffered from the usual problems (i.e. they were 1/2 dead).

I picked up an 1998-era imac from work in 2002. Once again, slow at running OS 9.1 and impossible to bare running OS X 10.1. The machine promptly died a few weeks later. In 2003 I got an el cheap blue G3 tower (1999 era) off ebay. Chock a block full of dust and the CDROM was on its way to the grave and so was the HD. I promptly returned the tower to the seller siince it would not install OS X as advertised.

Conclusion: Macs are no better than PCs. Given real world conditions (dust, grime and the occasional mishap) they all end up the same way. I have yet to experience any non-PC in any given year (say, manufactured in 2005) outperform a PC manufacturerd in the same year in real world scenarios (web browsing with 50+ tabs, emails, scrolling, PDFs, office docs, etc). This includes 64 bit Sun Ultra Sparcs SunBlade 100 and 150s too.

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